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Geometry by Mind Map: Geometry

1. Lines

1.1. Proof

1.2. Angles

1.3. Properties

1.4. Coordinate Plane

2. Quadrilaterals

2.1. Polygons

2.2. Properties

2.3. Proof

2.4. Rhombuses, Rectangles, and Squalres

2.5. Trapezoids

2.6. Parallelograms

3. Transformations

3.1. Rigid

3.2. Reflections

3.3. Rotations

3.4. Vectors

4. Similarity

4.1. Ratio and Proportion

4.2. Problem Solving

4.3. Polygons

4.4. Proof

5. Trigonometry

5.1. Similar Right Triangles

5.2. Pythagorean Theorem

5.3. Special Right Triangles

5.4. Ratios

5.5. Vectors

6. Circles

6.1. Tangents

6.2. Arcs

6.3. Inscribed Angles

6.4. Relationships

6.5. Segment Lengths

6.6. Equations

7. Basics of Geometry

7.1. points lines and planes

7.2. Patterns and Inductive Reasoning

7.3. Segments and Angles

8. Reasoning and Proof

8.1. Definitions

8.2. Reasoning

8.3. Proof

9. Triangles

9.1. Angles

9.2. Congruence

9.3. Proof

9.4. Classification

9.5. Bisectors

9.6. Medians & Altitudes

9.7. Midsegment

10. Area of Polygons and Circles

10.1. Angle Measures

10.2. Areas

10.3. Perimeters

10.4. Circumference and Arc Length

10.5. Probability

11. Surface Area and Volume

11.1. Solids

11.2. Prisims and Cylinders

11.3. Pyramids and Cones

11.4. Spheres

11.5. Similar Solides