Employee Engagement in Remote Work Settings Post-pandemic

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Employee Engagement in Remote Work Settings Post-pandemic создатель Mind Map: Employee Engagement in Remote Work Settings Post-pandemic

1. Management Strategies

1.1. Guidance for Remote Work: Larson, B. Z., Vroman, S. R., & Makarius, E. E. (2020)

1.1.1. Managerial advice

1.1.2. remote team management

1.1.3. best practices

1.1.4. communication strategies

2. Job Performance and Telework frequency

2.1. Determinants of teleworkers' job performance: Park, S. and Jae, M.M. (2024)

2.1.1. Job performance

2.1.2. Mediation effect

2.1.3. Change management

2.1.4. organisational support

3. Well-being of Remote Workers

3.1. Multidimensional Approach: Charalampous, M., Grant, C. A., Tramontano, C., & Michailidis, E. (2019)

3.1.1. Mental health

3.1.2. job satisfaction

3.1.3. work-life balance

3.1.4. stress factors

4. Virtual Work Dynamics

4.1. Organizational Behavior: Bailey, D. E., Leonardi, P. M., & Barley, S. R. (2019)

4.1.1. Virtual work environments

4.1.2. organizational behavior

4.1.3. technology adoption

5. Work Design Perspective

5.1. Effective Remote Working: Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2021)

5.1.1. work design

5.1.2. productivity

5.1.3. employee well-being

5.1.4. adaptation strategies

6. Social and Psychological Aspects

6.1. Isolation and Stress: Toscano, F., & Zappalà, S. (2020)

6.1.1. Social isolation

6.1.2. stress

6.1.3. productivity perception

6.1.4. remote work satisfaction

6.1.5. self-efficacy

7. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

7.1. Challenges and Opportunities: Hamouche, S. (2023)

7.1.1. HRM strategies

7.1.2. emerging challenges

7.1.3. research opportunities

7.1.4. organizational response