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Globalization! by Mind Map: Globalization!

1. The Quiet Crisis

1.1. The Numbers Gap

1.1.1. Without the motivation to go into a science or math career the retiring scientists are not being replaced fast enough.

1.2. The Education Gap At The Top

1.2.1. We are not educating or interesting enough of the young people in advanced math, science and engineering.

1.3. The Ambition Gap

1.3.1. Many students don't have the motivation and are too concerned about their social life over their school work. There's no ambition because Americans think they are the best qualified for high-paying jobs.

1.4. The Education Gap At The Bottom

1.4.1. America's school system is very unorganized where standards vary one district to the next. Some districts have the most advanced technology while others are lacking.

1.5. The Funding Gap

1.5.1. Funds are being cut from the National Science Foundation as well as the funds for education. This money instead is being wasted on highway projects.

1.6. The Infrastructure Gap

1.6.1. The United States is falling behind in broadband Internet usage as well as mobile-phone-based internet usage.

2. Compassionate Flatism

2.1. Leadership

2.1.1. American politicians need to learn about globalization and its effects on society.

2.2. Muscles

2.2.1. The muscles workers need are portable benefits and opportunities for lifelong learning. These muscles are most important because they make a worker mobile and adaptable.

2.3. Good Fat

2.3.1. Programs that give incentive to get a job are good fat, such as wage insurance. Programs like welfare are considered bad fat because they promote unemployment.

2.4. Parenting

2.4.1. Good parenting is a key role in helping individuals adapt to a flat world, the parents need to know what world their child is growing up in and what it will take for them to thrive.

3. Causes

3.1. End of the Cold War

3.1.1. Broke down walls and opened new trade, China and India entered global economy. Exchange of digitial information increased. Tippped balance of power across the world.

3.2. Netscape Goes Public

3.2.1. The World Wide Web becomes available to the public at a low cost connecting people globally.

3.3. Work Flow Software

3.3.1. Innovations in Work Flow Software enabled people to connect with other people as never before.

3.4. Uploading

3.4.1. Uploading created a new power for individuals and communities to send out their products and ideas, mostly for free.

3.5. Outsourcing

3.5.1. Gave 3rd world countries a chance to rise up and compete equally with the more advanced countries.

3.6. Offshoring

3.6.1. A company will move it's entire business to another country where they take advantage of low-cost and high-quality work.

3.7. Supply Chaining

3.7.1. Supply Chaining lets companies receive merchandise from thousands of suppliers around the world.

3.8. Insourcing

3.8.1. The middle man is being cut out to make companies more efficient and consumers happier.

3.9. Informing

3.9.1. Search engines bring all the worlds information to the tips of peoples fingers.

3.10. Steroids

3.10.1. The "Steroids" can be described as the new technologies that are reinnovated, remodeled, and remade every year that enable internet use anywhere, anytime in the world.

4. The Right Stuff

4.1. Stressing Liberal Arts

4.1.1. People need to have a well-rounded education where they know a good amount of information in a variety of subjects.

4.2. Tubas and Test Tubes

4.2.1. People need to not only take the basic classes but learn more creative subjects such as art.

4.3. Navigation of the Internet

4.3.1. People must learn how to navigate and sort out the good information from the bad.

4.4. CQ + PQ > IQ

4.4.1. To be curious and passionate about your education can be more beneficial than someone who has a high IQ. Curious and passionate people are self-educators and self-motivators.

4.5. The Right Country

4.5.1. America has all it takes to produce jobs and educate people to thrive in the flat world. We have a free market economy and we are willing to tear things down and rebuild which often leads to innovations and growth.

4.6. Right Brain

4.6.1. Analytical skills are no longer sufficient since computers have now replaced the left brain. The right brain is needed to create artistic and emotional beauty.

4.7. Learning How To Learn

4.7.1. People need to teach themselves new ways of doing old things and new ways of doing new things.

5. The New Middle Class

5.1. Great Collaborators and Orchestrators

5.1.1. People skills are becoming more important than ever in the flat world. To be able to collaborate and orchestrate can help companies, especially those employing diverse workforces.

5.2. The Great Synthesizers

5.2.1. Synthesizers can take two very different things and mash them together to create a newer tool that helps the producer and consumer.

5.3. The Great Explainers

5.3.1. A great explainer is needed to take a complex idea and be able to break it down in order for a client to understand. With new technology comes new questions and the great explainer can help answer all of them.

5.4. The Great Leveragers

5.4.1. With everyones data there is no margin for error, the great leveragers identify the root cause of any problem automatically.

5.5. The Great Adapters

5.5.1. People need to be able to adapt to the changing and flattening world and with the growing information.

5.6. The Green People

5.6.1. The green people take care of all the energy and emission problems. There are going to be many jobs in the future trying to make renewable energies and environmentally sustainable systems.

5.7. The Passionate Personalizers

5.7.1. People who add their own personal touch to their job to make it more enjoyable and individualized for each customer or client.

5.8. Math Lovers

5.8.1. The world is moving into a new age of numbers where almost every new middle job requires math skills.

5.9. The Great Localizers

5.9.1. The local businesses do the majority of hiring and firing, when they are growing and hiring people the economy is strong and when they're not, there is a recession.

6. How Companies Cope

6.1. Rule 1

6.1.1. With so much connectivity and access to low-cost tools of innovation whatever can be done will be done. If you have an idea, pursue it because someone else will have a similiar idea and pursue it.

6.2. Rule 2

6.2.1. Individuals and small groups can now compete globally. Each individuals competition is between them and their imagination.

6.3. Rule 3

6.3.1. Companies flourish in the flat world by learning to act big. Imagination is necessary but you have to be able to implement what you imagine.

6.4. Rule 4

6.4.1. The big need to act small in order to thrive in the flat world. To act small they need to enable their customers to act really big.

6.5. Rule 5

6.5.1. Collaberoration between and within companies is the next step to thriving in the flat world. Creation of technology, marketing, biomedicine or manufacturing are becoming so complex a single department cannot master it.

6.6. Rule 6

6.6.1. The best companies remain healthy by going through and analyzing components and ridding themselves of unnecessary costs. The companies then sell their results to the clients.

6.7. Rule 7

6.7.1. Companies outsource to win not to shrink. They innovate faster and more cheaply in order to grow larger.

6.8. Rule 8

6.8.1. How companies do things in their business is mattering more and more. How they treat customers, employees, suppliers and investors.

6.9. Rule 9

6.9.1. Don't block yourself off from the world. Companies need to go deeper and find new ways to do things.

7. History

7.1. 1.0

7.1.1. 1492-1800 Countries were the key players

7.2. 2.0

7.2.1. Ind. Rev. - 2000 Companies were the key players

7.3. 3.0

7.3.1. 2000 - Now Individuals are the key players

8. America and The Flat World

8.1. America as a whole will benefit more by sticking to the general principles of free trade than by trying to erect walls.

9. The Great Sorting Out

9.1. India vs. Indiana

9.1.1. The sorting out between who is exploiting whom. In the old world value was created vertically, easily seeing who was at the top and who was at the bottom. As the world flattens out value is created horizontally where individuals have more power.

9.2. Where Do Companies Start and Stop

9.2.1. Companies no longer are strictly "American" they have many companies in a variety of countries. Deciding where their headquarters is located is becoming more complicated as they begin to expanding and outsourcing.

9.3. From Command and Control To Collaborate and Connect

9.3.1. Technology is eliminating the position of secretary and aide. Boss' are able to do their job along with multiple other ones thanks to PDA's and search engines like Google.

9.4. Multiple Identity Disorder

9.4.1. People need to choose which they prefer, lower costs but a lack of benefits or slightly higher prices with better benefits.

9.5. Who Owns What?

9.5.1. Property rights to uploaded/downloaded videos, music and photographs are being misunderstood between the producers and consumers.

9.6. Death of the Salesmen

9.6.1. The salesman is being eliminated by automated calls with computerized voices.

10. The Triple Convergence

10.1. A period in the late 1990's where the causes of Glob. 3.0 combined to create a new era. Businesses and individuals began moving horizontally and adopting new habits and skills.

10.2. China India and the Soviet Union began competing globally.

11. The Unflat World

11.1. Too Sick

11.1.1. The Untouchables are the people in rural parts of countries such as India and China. They have little hope for Globalization due to illnesses that can't be cured because of the lack of money. Their local governments are also so broken it makes it impossible for them to advance.

11.2. Too Disempowered

11.2.1. They live between the Untouchables and the Globalized world. They are close enough to see, touch and occasionally benefit from the flat world.

11.3. Too Frustrated

11.3.1. Societies and cultures are in much greater direct contact with one another. Global collaboration leaves some countries feeling threatened, frustrated and humiliated by the close contact.

11.4. Too Many Toyotas

11.4.1. Previous environmentally low-impact people are becoming high-impact people with greater impacts than at any other time in history.

12. The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention

12.1. Countries that are part of the global supply chain will never fight with one another as long as they are both in the same supply chain.