Final Review Mindmap

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Final Review Mindmap by Mind Map: Final Review Mindmap

1. Quizlet Class

1.1. 01. Introduction to Computers and Programming

1.2. 02. Algorithm and Problem Solving

1.3. 03. Input, Processing and Output

1.4. 04. Decision Structures and Boolean Logic

1.5. 05. Repetition Structures

1.6. 06. Functions and Procedural Programming

1.7. 07. Midterm Review

1.8. 08. Files and Exceptions

2. 01. Introduction to Computers and Programming

2.1. Quizlet Folder

2.1.1. 01. Introduction to Computers and Programming

3. Quizlet Vocabulary

3.1. 01. Introduction to Computer Science Vocab

3.2. 02. Input, Processing and Output Vocab

3.3. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.4. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.5. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.6. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.7. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.8. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.9. 09. Dictionaries and Sets Vocab

3.10. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.11. ##. Chapter Vocab

3.12. ##. Chapter Vocab

4. Quiz Labs

4.1. Quiz Lab 01 Introduction to Computers and Algorithms

4.2. Quiz Lab 02 Elementary Programming

4.3. Quiz Lab 03 Decision Making

4.4. Quiz Lab 04 Repetition Structures

4.5. Quiz Lab 05 Functions

4.6. Quiz Lab 06 Files and Exceptions

4.7. Quiz Lab 07 Lists, Tuples and Strings

4.8. Quiz Lab 08 Dictionaries and Sets

4.9. Quiz Lab 09 Sorting, Searching & Recursion

5. Things that'll be on the exam

5.1. midterm

5.2. transcripts