Project (Plugin)

ScaleUp File Structure

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Project (Plugin) by Mind Map: Project (Plugin)

1. App_data

1.1. plugin.locale.xml - Global variable that separate a word or term base on language selected.

2. Plugin.json - Contains an attributes of the plugin.

3. Services

3.1. Interface for plugin service.

3.2. Implementation of the service inherting from IEntityService that contains the method for CRUD operation on the database.

4. Helpers

4.1. Preparation helper for the domain model in getting the data

5. Domain

5.1. Mapping

5.1.1. Entity Map

5.2. Migration

5.2.1. Classes that identifies the most recent changes in the database design

5.3. Database Model

5.4. Entity Mapping

6. Controller

6.1. CRUD Operation

6.1.1. Get Data

6.1.2. Update Data

6.1.3. Delete Data

6.1.4. Insert Data

6.2. Configuration

7. Validators

7.1. Validation for the data before saving to the database ensuring a clean data entry.

8. Model

8.1. Entity List Model

8.2. Entity Model

8.3. Entity Type Settings Model

8.4. Entity Search Model

8.5. Entity Configuration Model

9. Factories

9.1. Interface for Model Factory

9.2. Implementation of Model Factory inherting from IModelFactory that contains a method to prepare the model for asynchronous operations.


10.1. Create UI

10.2. List UI

10.3. Update UI

10.4. Delete UI

11. Caching

11.1. Cache Event Consumer

11.2. Cache Key

12. Data

12.1. Security

12.1.1. Permission for the Plugin

12.2. Plugin Type Settings Initialization

13. Infastructure

13.1. Tab Locations

13.2. Dependency Injection Register

13.3. PluginMapperConfiguration - to map the Plugin model to Domain Model and vice versa using auto mapper

13.4. Plugin registration to make the plugin accessible to the user and registration of the services used in the plugin

14. PluginDefinition - Contains static class for declaration of the plugin definition.

15. Extensions

15.1. Method that extends the category to have more customize result