The Cognitive Theory

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The Cognitive Theory by Mind Map: The Cognitive Theory

1. Cognitive Verbs

2. Common Cognitive Verbs

3. Sensorimotor

4. Pre-operation

5. Types of cognitive verbs

5.1. Remembering

5.2. Understanding

5.3. Analyzing

5.4. Applying

5.5. Evaluating

6. Common cognitive Verbs

6.1. Describe

6.2. Compare

6.3. Recognise

6.4. Explain

6.5. Demonstrate

6.6. Implement

6.7. Distinguish & Examine

6.8. Recommend & Support

7. Key concepts

7.1. Cognitive development

7.2. Schemes

7.3. Attention

7.4. Accommodation

7.5. Problem-Solving

7.6. Memory Models

7.7. Information Processing