Northern Renaissance

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Northern Renaissance por Mind Map: Northern Renaissance

1. Northern Renaissance Begins.

1.1. The population in Europe declined because of the bubonic plague.

1.2. Francis I of France asked Leonardo Da Vinci asked him to retire in France, then he hired an Italian artist to rebuild and decorate his castle. This is how his castle became a showcase of renaissance art.

1.3. The ideas spread to the North which created the style of realism.

1.3.1. The idea of human dignity inspired humanists to develope plans for social reformers based on Judeo Christian beliefs.

2. The Artistic Ideas Spread

2.1. German painter Albrecht Durer created wood cuts and ingravings and many of his prints portrayed religious subjects.

2.1.1. Others portrayed myths and realistic landscapes.

2.1.2. Durer influenced Hans Holbein with realism which specialized in paintings that looked like photographs

2.2. Flemish painters

2.2.1. Wealthy merchant familys helped Flanders to make flanders artistic center of Northern Europe. Jan Van Eyck developed oil based paintings. His paintings displayed unusual realistic details and revealed the personality of their subjects.

2.2.2. Flemish paintings reached its peak after 1550.

3. Northern Writers Try to Reform Society

3.1. The creation of Christian humanism. The main focus was education.

3.1.1. The humanists promoted education by women and founded the school which boys and girls attended.

3.2. In 1509 the most famouse work of Eramus was the Praise of Folly

3.2.1. This book made fun of greedy merchants, heart sick lovers quarrelsome scholars, and pompus priests. He believed Christianity came from the heart not from ceremonys or rules.

3.3. Womans Reforms

3.3.1. Christine De Pizan was the first woman to speak out about education. She was the first woman to earn a living as a writer.

4. The Elizabethan Age

4.1. William Shakespear was the most famous writer in this time period.

4.1.1. His work displayed a masterful commend of the english language and the understanding of human beings.

5. Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas

5.1. The chinese the first printing press.

5.2. In 1440 Gutenberg, a craftsman from Germany, developed a printing press that incorporated a number of technologies in a new way.

6. The Legacy of the Renaissance

6.1. Was a period of great artistic and social change.

6.2. The belief of the dignity of individuals played a role in the gradual rise of democratic ideas.

6.3. Changes in the Arts

6.3.1. The arts praised individual achievements.

6.3.2. Art drew on techniques and styles of classical Greece and Rome.

6.4. Changes in Society

6.4.1. Christian humanists attempts to reform society changed views about how life should be lived.

6.4.2. Printing changed society by making more info available and inexpensive enough for society at large.