Chisimba blog as a PLE

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Chisimba blog as a PLE por Mind Map: Chisimba blog as a PLE

1. YouTube

1.1. In

1.1.1. YouTube API

1.1.2. Chisimba YouTube filter

2. Widgets

2.1. In

2.1.1. Direct embed

2.1.2. Widget filter

3. Mind map

3.1. MindMeister

3.2. Freemind

3.2.1. Embed

3.2.2. Generated

4. WebPresent

4.1. Chisimba application

4.2. Presentation sharing

4.3. Live presentation

5. Twitter

5.1. In

5.1.1. Search hashtags feed

5.1.2. User feed

5.1.3. Twitter block

5.1.4. RSS feed in block

5.2. Out

5.2.1. RSS feed to Twitterfeed

5.2.2. Feed to status updates on Facebook

6. Slideshare

6.1. In

6.1.1. Direct embed

6.1.2. Wordpress filter

7. Chisimba Internal

7.1. Blocks

7.1.1. Personal blocks Widgets

7.1.2. Text blocks

7.2. Wiki

7.2.1. Bliki

7.3. Filters

7.3.1. Simple filters

7.3.2. Parameterised filters

7.3.3. Chiki

7.4. XMPP

7.4.1. Blogging from cellphone

7.4.2. Conversations from cell and other chat technologies

7.5. File manager

7.5.1. Files filter

7.6. Context (e.g. course)

8. RSS Feeds

8.1. Oher blogs

8.2. Google alerts

8.3. Twitter

8.4. Videos

8.5. Any RSS/ATOM feed