Legal Aspects of Globalization

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Legal Aspects of Globalization by Mind Map: Legal Aspects of Globalization

1. Actors of globalization: individuals, states, international organizations, companies/corporations.

1.1. There actors can change depending on the place: for example: on chinese constitutions when talking about human rights, the individuals are only entailted when seen inside an a community.

2. Legal globalization: rules that are going to solve the problems between individuals, states and companys beyond their borders.

2.1. the idea of unification of harmonization of these rules.

3. Key words: Global order: Geopolitics: Power relations between political bodies.

3.1. Legal global order: when there are rules, that are accepted the creation of then, and are followed in the managment of relationships between states.

3.1.1. The effectiveness of the rules, is what made the order exists.

4. Globalization: questionated term, because comes from the Global Sphere world. After the Cold War, globalization.

5. World Polity theory:

5.1. polity:activities and associations of the public. focused on the fact that societies are becoming more similar.

5.1.1. is a comparation of the society and his structures, pointing out the policies adopted by this subject. isomorphism: societies are developing in a similar way. States modify their traditions in the directio of the world cultural formsn, prescriptions and principles. For Roland Robertson: World Culture is not as homogeneous as WPT claims. Globalizations is conceived as a single entity, that compresses the world into a single very dense unity

6. Classical definition of Economic Globalization:

6.1. World economies due to Trade and Financial Liberalisation:

6.1.1. This liberty of movement creates issues in the internal society/market:

7. Cultural Definition os Globalization:

7.1. World characterised by an intensification of cultural interactions.

8. Political Definition of Globalization

8.1. Political and social interactins that transcend national boundaries

8.1.1. Anthony Giddens: Eg. Local event is affected by events happening thousand of miles away.

8.2. Boaventura de Souza Santos

8.2.1. Legal globalisation implies the growing influence of internacional legal norms and institutions on national law, with a particular impact in Human Rights. ***Supranational institutions influence national legal norms. * ** Legal homogeneity through universal norms. eg. Human Rights.

8.3. Economic Globalization: Financial markets and multinational corporations.

8.3.1. Giddens emphasizes political ramifications of Globalization particular the **Weakeaning of nation-state sovereignty**

8.3.2. Held concentrates on market forces as the primary mechanism of global integration. Focus on Market-Driven.