How to travel more sustainably ?

''And So The Adventure Begins'' etwinning project

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How to travel more sustainably ? por Mind Map: How to travel more sustainably ?

1. Share a ride with someone else

1.1. when you go to school, give your friends a ride as well

1.2. use ride sharing apps to find people who have the same destination as you

2. Take the bus or train wherever possible

3. cycling for short distances

3.1. cycle or walk to work

4. use recycled products

5. walking is a good transportaion

5.1. consume less electricity,oil and gas.

6. Use vehicles that have filters

7. Use efficient modes of transportation

8. Respect local communities

9. use rechargeable battery

10. Set out with as little as possible

11. Preferlocal businesses over luxury restaurants

12. Book eco-conscious accommodations

13. Avoid single use plastics

14. Protect water and energy

15. Leave your phone behind

16. Reduce your plastic consumption

17. Be respectful of the local culture

18. Limit the amount of plastic.

18.1. Wear shoes made of recycled plastic.

19. Don't waste the water.

20. use public transports

21. Reduce food and plastic waste

22. Leave a place better than you found it

22.1. Limit energy use and conserve water

23. Using public transports

24. Cycling

25. travelling in small or medium groups

26. Avoid single-use plastics

27. Conserve water and energy

28. Choose sustainable accommodations and operators

29. Use eco-friendly toiletries

30. Use the public transport

30.1. Choose a destination that values sustainability

31. use recyclable waste

32. use puplic transports

33. Visit parks and protected areas

34. Use public transportation

35. Avoid single-used plastic

36. Pack a reusable water bottle when you travel

37. Buy local products.

38. Take a short shower.

39. Use less heating in winter and less air-conditioning in summer.