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BSBCMM411 by Mind Map: BSBCMM411

1. Making Presentations

1.1. speak less

1.2. Incorporate digital tools for effective presentations

1.3. Incorporate relevant, engaging activities

1.4. better body language

1.5. voice modulation

1.6. integrate multimedia thoughtfully

2. 1. Identify the areas you would like to improve

2.1. use less text

2.2. The use of digital tools, appropriate balance of visuals and less text on slides

2.3. more interesting designs

2.4. provide clear technical support

2.5. adding video

3. 2.Identify the areas you feel confident in

3.1. aligning objects nicely

3.2. Preparing slides with combination of visuals, text & videos to meet needs of different learners

3.3. adding images

3.4. creating a supportive instructor presence

3.5. big font sizes

4. 😊