Generations of Computer Languages

Generations of Languages

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Generations of Computer Languages par Mind Map: Generations of Computer Languages

1. Second-Generation

1.1. Assembly Languages

1.2. Allowed programmers to use abbreviated command words (LDA = Load)

1.3. Typically used to write system software

2. Fifth-Generation

2.1. Allows programmers to use graphical or visual tools to construct programs

2.2. Uses Prolog

2.2.1. Prolog - a computer programming language based on a declarative programming paradigm.

3. First-Generation

3.1. Machine Languages

3.2. Consists of a set of commands, represented by 1s and 0s

3.3. Programmers rarely use Machine Languages to write programs

4. Third-Generation

4.1. Uses easy-to-remember command words (PRINT and INPUT)

4.2. Different types of languages include; COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, BASIC, and C

4.2.1. COBOL and Fortran - useful for business and scientific applications.

4.2.2. Pascal and BASIC - Teaching teacniques

4.2.3. C - useful for system and application software development

5. Fourth-Generation

5.1. More closely resembles human-languages

5.2. SQL, RPG eliminates many of the strict punctuation and grammar rules that complicate the Third-Generation Languages