by Irma Maize
1. Signs and symptoms from obstruction that leads to poor tissue perfusion: Tissue death due to limited blood supply also known as tissue infarction
2. Transient ischemic events also known as a mini-stroke
3. Periferal arterial disease
4. Coronary artery disease or heart disease
5. Brain aneurysm
6. Diagnostic Testing
6.1. Checking Cholesterol Levels
6.1.1. Angiography Cardiac MRI
7. Plaque buildup within the arteries
8. Injury occurs to the endothelial cells along the arterial wall
8.1. There is not ONE cause
8.2. Aging, free radicals, smoking, uncontrolled hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes can damage cells within the arteries which leads to thickening and hardening of the walls. This prevents proper blood flow.
9. There are two types: Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries
10. An inflammatory process that inhibits the production of antithrombotic and vasodilating cytokines
10.1. A normal release of cytokines promotes healing of damaged tissue caused by prolonged inflammation
11. Too much LDL can lead toplaque buildup within the arteries. Low density lipoproteins is consider to be the "bad" cholesterol that you want to limit intake of.
11.1. Red meats: steak, ribs, pork chops and ground beef
11.2. Organ meats: heart, kidney and liver
11.3. Full fat dairy products: Cheese, Whole milk, and butter
11.4. Donuts, cookies, cakes, bacon, french fries, and fried chicken
12. The most serious complication of all regarding atherosclerosis is myocardial infarction
13. How to prevent atherosclerosis
13.1. Weight loss
13.1.1. eating a heart healthy diet Quitting smoking,