Sales process

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Sales process by Mind Map: Sales process

1. Lead Generation

1.1. Tools

1.1.1. Ad lead

1.1.2. Live chat

1.1.3. web Scrap

1.1.4. Refferals

1.1.5. Events

1.1.6. Support

1.1.7. Social Media

1.2. CRM Work

1.2.1. Categorise leads

1.2.2. Assign Account manager

1.3. Lead Analysis

1.3.1. Qualified / Junk

1.3.2. Proposal

1.3.3. Need analysis Revised Proposal Comparison

1.3.4. Negotiation

1.3.5. Closed Won

1.3.6. Closed Lost

1.3.7. QA

1.4. Activation

1.4.1. Update in activation group

1.4.2. Update in activation sheet - by (mathi) Welcome Call Confirmation Call

1.4.3. Activation Process Domain and Hosting By Ratheesh Shared and Cloud hosting by Support Team Others by Amith Sir

1.4.4. Delivered by Support Team Engage Team

1.5. Review Call

1.5.1. Call by Respective Support team

2. Sales Funnel Efficiency

2.1. Identify Prospect from new leads

2.2. Constant touch points

2.3. Build Rapport

2.4. Proposal Sharing

2.4.1. Equip Ourselves Technically

2.4.2. Explain value for Money

2.4.3. Be clear on Pricing Workout

2.4.4. Competitor Analysis

2.5. Negotiation

2.5.1. Include a higher authority

2.5.2. Explain the value and Feature's of the product to their requirement

3. Customer relationship

3.1. Build a rapport with the client

3.2. maintain our client base business report

3.3. Create Opportunity for up-sell or cross sell

4. Feedback

4.1. Receive a feedback after a month from client

4.2. Receive a feedback end or after call from Denied client