Cornell Freelancer Note Taking

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Cornell Freelancer Note Taking by Mind Map: Cornell Freelancer Note Taking

1. Niche

1.1. Digital Product

1.1.1. -Look at your current skill sets

1.1.2. - what have you achieved over the last 5 years?

1.1.3. - What comes easy to you that is difficult for others?

1.1.4. - What do others come to you for advice on?

1.1.5. - Have you ever given someone help with something?

1.1.6. - If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself?

1.1.7. - What would you teach your younger self

1.1.8. What challenges have you gone through in life and overcome?

1.1.9. - What problems have you solved for yourself?

1.1.10. - What could you talk about all day long without getting bored?

1.1.11. - What could people pay to learn from you?

1.1.12. Teach something you actually know

1.2. Service

1.2.1. Demand

1.2.2. Passion

1.3. White Labelling

1.3.1. book pysical

1.3.2. IT Book Python

1.3.3. Template

1.3.4. Planner


2.1. Rules and Triggered

2.1.1. Pros and Cons digital Product

2.1.2. Pros and Cons Physical Product

2.1.3. Pros and Cons Service buat ada hasil

2.1.4. Awareness info Product Creation 1. check widget nnati. 2. kumpulkan jenis infographic n niche template notion 3. utk biasanya nak content template utk guide knowledge 4. orang suka benda padat n evergreen knowledge 5. beware sbb org suka duplicate template. 6. fahamkan jenis convert tools instant (blasting, convert file & extension, automation, embed) 7. kenal jenis info dgn refer template niche tersebut avoid duplicate digital product faster Earn Money Creation Take time digital Product Faster system generate Money - buat UI Triggered (utk collect nota hotolearn) - buat triggered template type (excel, notion) - here - dalam template penting ada date n automation - start template calander excel

2.1.5. Notion for any knowledge 1. Notion Board 2. notion ada freeze column - [here]( 3. cara guna relation database nolimit - [here]( 4. hide toggle in sub item - [here ]( 5. tengok sini kenapa notion berbaloi - [here](

3. Market Research

3.1. Digital Product

3.2. Type Target

3.2.1. Gen Z

3.2.2. Parents

3.2.3. Shopper

3.2.4. Bride Maid

3.2.5. Housewife

3.2.6. Rich People

3.2.7. Lifestyle Audience

3.3. Services

3.4. Structure Research

3.4.1. 7. SWOT Analysis

3.4.2. 6. Market Growth

3.4.3. 5. Market Strategy

3.4.4. 4. Market Trends

3.4.5. 3. Market Overview

3.4.6. 2. Market size

3.4.7. 1. Competitors Analysis

3.5. Fatwa Income

3.5.1. Halal Earning 5 High Value Skills For Muslim Entrepreneurs in 2025

3.5.2. Sofware Selling

3.5.3. Truth Info

4. Freelancer Tools

4.1. Manual Tool

4.1.1. Facebook post

4.1.2. Instagram post

4.2. Evergreen Tools

4.2.1. Salepage

4.2.2. Blueprint

4.2.3. Portfolio page

4.2.4. alternative linktree create page sale

4.3. Marketplace

4.3.1. Service Fiverr Frelelancer designcrowd

4.3.2. Digital Product gumroad etsy Wordpress

4.4. Converter Tools

4.4.1. Google Sheet to app

4.4.2. image to figma

4.4.3. crud gsheet to apps

4.4.4. chatbot to telegram database chatbot telegram malaysia cari kat fb saved

4.4.5. image to text'

4.4.6. web to app

4.4.7. screenshot to functional web

4.4.8. pdf interactive form hover audiobook using python

4.4.9. clone website to figma

4.5. Embed Tools

4.5.1. calander to Notion

4.5.2. list excel to calander

4.5.3. notion to email

4.5.4. excel to email

4.6. Lead Tools

4.6.1. Another ways Manual loyverse sale funnel searching > chatgpt

4.6.2. Auto Tools whatsapp blaster

4.6.3. Best ways find someplace that people store data Searching in google and copy to docx

5. Recommedation

5.1. These 11 income streams

5.2. $115M With 1 Digital Product (Copy It)

5.3. How to Build a One-Person Business in 2025

5.4. Fast Result here

5.4.1. How to Make 7 Figures in Door to Door Sales

5.4.2. guide form short reel

5.4.3. find effective for fiver growth or upwork

5.5. Designer dpt project

5.5.1. Ideas Ihsan tmbh ilmu dari bidang lain: motion graphic, web design front end, back end, social media advertising, seo, photography, project mapping, marketing etc. lagi byk ilmu awk tau, lagi tinggi peluang dpt job & bole multitask. 2. pengiklanan utk diri sendiri: buat website sndiri upload work, update behance, vimeo, linkedin, blogspot dll. (bole cuba buat video resume/portfolio yg style motion graphic (senang utk org luar tau keje ape awk bole buat dlm masa 2mnit kebwh). 3. socializing: rajin2 pegi art event, art discussion, jmp org utk bina network, pass business card dan tau isu semasa 4. merchandising: bole buat artwork kecik2 dri poskad, diary tahunan, stiker, tshirt, bags etc dan jual d insta, carousell, shopee, etsy ato join 5. tnya kwn2, sedara2 dan cuba dptkn projek2 dri skolah, unis dll nnt berkembang dri klau diaorg puashati dgn hasil kerja awk, automatik awk dpt rekemendasi dri makcik A ke makcik B (word of mouth).

6. Marketing Materials

6.1. Free Marketing

6.1.1. Copywriting Storytelling PSA

6.1.2. Pinterest Infographic

6.1.3. Blogging

6.2. Paid Marketing

6.2.1. Salepage

6.2.2. Adsvertising

6.3. why choose web design

6.3.1. have option free or paid

6.3.2. coding, instant, limited website

6.3.3. auto generate copy website

6.3.4. lead salepage for sales

6.3.5. blogger for long term affiliate

6.3.6. many option earning using web develope ecommerce stick into one website instant (webflow) just focus into PSA Salepage stick into coding focus database and give usefull content in longterm

7. Where to find FAQ

7.1. searching problem

7.2. Quora