by Gurmanpreet kaur
1. Internet
2. Television
3. Mobile phones
4. Computers
5. Social media
6. Machines
7. Tools and gadgets
8. What I used to think before reading the course material
9. According to Kumar, Kumar, & Persuad (1999), technology is divided into two main parts. One of the parts contain physical things such as products, tools, equipments, and machines. Other part includes knowledge and skills needed to use the skills.
10. "Technology are things created by humans that makes our life easier and solve problems" (Nusys, 2019).
11. After learning the content, I have realised that technology is much more then internet, machines, social media, television, and mobile phones
12. Technology is not only limited to one thing, but has many varities and defination in different contexts (Hughes, 2004).
13. What I think technology is now after reading the course material
14. "When people think of “technology,” they tend to think of human artifacts such as machines, electronic devices, scientific hardware, or industrial manufacturing systems. However, a formal definition (College Dictionary) of technology indicates that it has a more general meaning which includes any “practical application of knowledge” or “manner of accomplishing a task”(Isman, 2012).
15. How things have changed?
16. "Technogy is anything useful invented by human mind" (Kelly, 2010)
17. As shown in the video, things have been changed a lot during last few years/ decades. The drastic change came around 1980's. People started using various kinds of technology such as television, radio tapes, and mobile phones ( The history of technology in education, 2011).
18. Technology grows same as the living things and it will become more diverse, complex, and specialized over time (Kelly, 2010).
19. "Every technology is a creative force looking for the right job" (Kelly, 2010).
20. As it is shown in the video, technology can be as small and simple as a pen (Tuck,2019).
21. S., (Producer). (2011, October 3). The history of technology in education. YouTube video.
22. Nusys. (2019, Novemeber 14). What is technology. YouTube video.
23. Kumar, V., Kumar, U. & Persaud, A. Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer 24, 81–96 (1999).
24. TED Talks. ( 2010. February 22). Kelvin Kelly tells technology's epic story. youtube video.
25. According to Isman (2012), technology is more than machines, electronic devices, scientific hardware, or industrial manufacturing systems. It is the process of applying theoretical knowledge into practical.
26. Technology makes our life so easier and it helps in solving several problems. We save a lot of time with the help of technology.
27. Our lives have changed a lot due to technology. Nowdays we rely a lot more on technology. We use technology for several reasons such as to enhance productivity, improve communication, and solve complex problems (The history of technology in education, 2011).
28. Why we need new technology?
29. We all are aware that we need technology for various reasons. I believe that survival is very difficult in todays world without the involvement of technology in our life. One of the reasons we need technology is to enhance communication. As nowdays everybody communicate with the help of technology, whether it is work related or not (The history of technology in education, 2011).
30. I believe that new technology will also help in the enhancement of knowledge as we learn so many new things with the help of technology.
31. New technology will also help in improving the quality of life such as, through bettter healthcare tools, and more efficient transportation systems (The history of technology in education, 2011).
32. Conclusion
33. In the end, I would say that technology is a wonderful gift given to us. I cannot imagine my life without technology. Technology is an excellent tool that we all should use for the betterment of the society and for all of us.
34. Isman, A.(2012). Technology and technique. An educational perspective. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
35. Hughes, T.P. (2004).Human-built world: How to think about technology and culture. University of Chicago Press.
36. References
37. Technology includes chairs, tables, pens, pencils, and much more than just electronic devices (Kelly,2010).