1. Application of C.P
1.1. Numerical analysis
1.1.1. a branch of mathematics to solve diff problems for which on exact solu. does not exist approximately ( numerically ) -> it transforms the analysis of problem form complicated math into in to simple arithmetic
1.1.2. why computer for N.A 1- faster 2- more efficient( error - free) 3- bigger storge volume 4- manipuation of stored in formtion
1.1.3. Example 1- diff .equation 2- function evaluation 3- integration 4- find roots of equa
1.1.4. posstive and nigative of N.A positive it make some prograse in untauched problem end as simpler arimathmetics negative the solu is not the fiind solu ( just on approxemation ) some feature is lost i n the solu the need large # of iteration and large storge
1.2. slimulations
1.2.1. to use computers to do vertial exp to study the behavior of a system by studing a simpler syst math model transforating the physics to task to be excuted by PC EXP lab sample -> setup -> calibrations -> messurmints -> data virtual exp math model -> program -> testing -> computation -> data nigative * give the most simpliify form * no skills positve * less effort * possibity to difficult EXP , unsafe , expisive EX simulating mechanics simulating molecules weather forcast virtual realty explosiv
1.3. visualization
1.3.1. to produce graphic ( grphs / picture animated ) to desctibe the mathmatical model of system --> translating the model into a image to give a conception of the mathematical abstract eyes can recongnizeth the trend and behavior pattern that mind can miss
1.4. symbolic algebra S.A
1.4.1. symbolic & algebraic computations ( SAC) software used to preform S.A on computer for algebric systems to use computers to preform algebric operations & to use then to find exact solu
1.5. collecting and analysis of Data
1.5.1. * collection of data = data acquisition * controlling of data * analysis ( processing & manipulation ) of data * of line experment ( collection of signals mesurment with the world condition into digital numeric values )
2. why to use Comp. physics
2.1. 1 there is few # of phys problem that can solved exactly 2 many aspect of routine work in physics can be computerized 3 it can inteduce new ways fo represent phys system 4 completedly safe on less expensive
3. computer aidid problem solving
3.1. basic techniqes to solve problem by the aid of computers
3.1.1. scientific computing system software devobed to scientific work ( with more emphasis on science less on programing ) EX mathimatica of walfrom mathlab of math work mathCAD of math and eng mople of mople soft igor of wave matrics usefull S.C.S has the following feature * built-in programing * ready made scientific pakages * a bility to be linked with other software or lab instrument * publishing / featues / capablities
3.1.2. programming language formal laguage that comprasing a set of rules / opration / calculations to perform the job EX c,c#,c++ pascal python fortran _ good pro P.L has the following featur * easy to read * robust / strong language {error reporting } * easy to use * self_documented
3.2. step to follow to use computer in real problem solving 1- undrestand the physics & math of your problem 2- identify the part of the problem that need to a computer 3- write the algorithem 4- translate the algorithem into computer code ( thats can be undrestood by computer ) 5- running the program code & debugging 6- run the progrem
3.2.1. Algorithm abstraction of a computer code a set of instrucation, rule , processes in sequence good algroithm - modifiable - efficient ( lless wasted time ) - accurate - error reporting why to start with on algorithm - good easier start of thr program - easier to dibug - easier to modfiy - give more insight about what you are doing how to write a build in algorithm pesudo code ( textual ) both flow chart (graphical)
3.3. Types of comp-related error
3.3.1. 1- Truncation Error * cutting off part of a func[formala , equ, series] * due to mathematical simplfication 2- Round off error *cut off part of a numper # * computer are integer machines with 2 way to represent no.s * fixed point represtation(1,2,3) * floting point(3.14) 3- Error in the orginal data - the math model abtaned by the PC is poorly represents the problem very common in simulations 4- Blunders - human error ( sysntax error ) 5- propgated Error ( due the error in the preceding step)