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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. What I thought technology was

1.1. Smart Phones

1.2. Computers

1.3. Virtual Reality

1.4. Interactive Video Games

2. From my life experiences growing up in a South Asian community, technology was often stereotyped as something dangerous and off-putting. However, I believe that technology is anything that makes our lives easier and helps us stay connected, no matter how far apart we are.

3. What technolgy means now after going thorugh the course material

3.1. Technology is use of man-made eqipment and ideas to slove problems and make our everyday lives easier. It also helps learnto grow and improve our lives. (Nusys, 2020)

4. Kevin Kelly (2010) says"If we were to elimiate every bit of technology in the world today, we as a spieces would not live very long"

5. What technology gives us over the long term is the increase in: (Kelly. K, 2011)

5.1. Differences

5.2. Diversities

5.3. Options

5.4. Choices

5.5. Freedom

5.6. Op

6. Why do we need new technology?

6.1. Evolve

6.2. Connect

6.3. Drive Innovation

7. References:

7.1. Nusys (2020). What is Technology?. YouTube

7.2. SMARTEduMEA (2012). The history of technology in education. YouTube

7.3. TED (2010, February 22). Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story. YouTube

7.4. The Cool Commericials (2020). Apple Christmas Commercial 2021. YouTube

8. How my ideas have changed now?

8.1. Use of technology by the early humans, made it possible to elimante extinction. this was done by use of simple tools to survive and the use of fire ( Kelly. K, 2011)

8.2. Further technology has also, improved education by making learing more accessible and engaging ofr both teachers and students ( SMARTEduMEA, 2012)

8.3. After watching the Apple advertisement in the course material, the affect of technology on the emotional piece, showcased the dependancy on technology outweighing being in the moment (The Cool Commericals , 2020)