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**GATHERING** by Mind Map: **GATHERING**

1. Gatherings of an earthly possesion

1.1. Money

1.2. Food

2. Gatherings of Family

2.1. Family Reunions

2.2. Funeral

3. School Gatherings

3.1. High School Reunion

3.2. Assembly

4. Gathering Hobbies

4.1. Driving

4.2. Gaming

4.3. Sports

4.4. Art

5. Fashion Gatherings

5.1. Fashion show

6. Conferences

6.1. NASA meetings

6.2. Governmental meetings

7. Religious Gatherings

7.1. Religious Festivals

7.2. Pilgrimage

7.3. Church

8. Gathering Memories

8.1. With friends and family

8.2. By revisiting things you did a while before

9. Gatherings of Friends

9.1. Party

10. Gatherings of World Leaders

10.1. Trump / Putin

11. Gatherings of Materials

11.1. wood

11.2. Metal

11.3. Bricks

12. Gatherings at a club

12.1. Friends or Family

13. Atoms

13.1. Solid