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MEQS by Mind Map: MEQS

1. Client MEQS

1.1. Assembly of of BOQ, determine specialist subcontractors, identify risks and clauses in contracts (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

1.1.1. Advise on procurement routes, based on type of project, quality, speed of construction, risk & Price certainty

1.2. Life Cycle Costing

1.2.1. Cost benefit analysis ITR (Internal Rate of return) Updating Life cycle costs throughout the entirety

1.3. Conduct services feasibility(O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

1.3.1. Technical Evaluation Economic Evaluation

1.4. Establish Cost Constraints

1.4.1. Ensure Building services are delivered on time, within budget and to the required specification (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

1.5. Advise Clients of Key issues, alternatives & renewable energies that could be incorporated into the design of the building (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

1.6. Provide advice on funding, grants & capital allowances (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

1.6.1. Provide advice on financial and contractual aspect of contractor's claims

2. Contractor MEQS

2.1. Valuing work in progress and financial effect of variations (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

2.2. Negotiating rates

2.2.1. It is important that rates agreed with subcontractors and clients are within budget for the contractor

2.3. Procurement of M&E equipment

2.4. Meeting with M&E Subcontractor's on site to review progress and identify any issues

2.5. Agree & close subcontractor interim payments and final accounts

2.6. Keeping track of varitaions & change orders from the outset of the project

2.6.1. This is a key element of work for a Contractor's MEQS, as varitaions can quickly add up into the thousands and cause the package to go over budget

2.7. Issuing tender enquires & conducting tender analysis - depending on the chosen form of procurement/Contract

3. Historical Data relating to MEQS

3.1. According to (KSN,2024), M&E costs account for the following percentages of project costs based on building type :

3.1.1. Educational :10-15% Commercial offices : 30-45% Data centre : 55-70%

3.2. M&E Costs typically between 20-30% of the construction costs on a project (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

3.2.1. This percentage can vary depending on the type of project i.e Data Centre/Commercial/Residential

3.3. 70% of MEQS Operate in the Contracting side of Construction (O'Brien 2025, M&E Measurement)

3.3.1. This figure includes MEQS's working for MC's, M&E contractor & subcontractors

3.4. MEQS Can work for either a Contractor or a consulting firm

3.4.1. MEQS's are typically involved from bidding stage through to project completion while with a contractor

3.5. Average Salary for a Senior MEQS in Ireland ranges from €75k-€109K/year (Glassdoor, 2025).

3.5.1. Salary range will depend on experience, sector & company

4. Major Differences between Contractor/Client MEQS

4.1. MEQS for contractor will typically be based on site and reviewing the daily progress of the M&E subcontractors

4.2. Client MEQS is more focused on the long term outlook of the building services

4.2.1. Contractor MEQS focused primarily on the procurement of the package, progress on site and interim valuations

4.3. MEQS's working for a Contractor typically have a higher reimbursement package due to working longer hours (typically 8am-6pm)

4.3.1. Client MEQS typically works 9am-5pm, hence the lower salary