Job Seeker

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Job Seeker by Mind Map: Job Seeker

1. Areas of interest and experiences

1.1. Assessment / support / mentoring

1.1.1. Assess readiness of client for the program. Use advantaged thinking practice framework. Focus on capabilities

1.2. Lifestyle and motivations

1.2.1. Tool like Acadiam excellerator, what type of house, car, holidays to you aspire for in your future

1.3. DISC personality trait and job matching

1.3.1. An option to use if a client is unsure of vocational employment areas

1.4. Draft in consultation with client job pathway

1.4.1. Create a plan for employment pathway. It starts with education then moves into work placement.

2. Skills & Will

2.1. Hard Skills analysis and devleopment areas. Discuss talent

2.1.1. Usually technical skills of physical skills and knowledge

2.2. Soft Skills analysis and development plan using defined achievements of job seeker.

2.2.1. Identify key strengths and also challenges to transition

2.3. If unknown agree to a client try a job plan (complete placement in a range of employment settings and evaluate experiences and wellbeing

2.3.1. Job seeker may particpate in Cafe Colleective fortnightly rotations through all areas of the business, including Hampers

2.4. Identify and support client with any identified barriers to employment.

2.4.1. May use brockerage

2.4.2. Link to program partners and further support

3. Job Readiness / Education and Capacity Building

3.1. Complete Education series Job readiness program

3.1.1. Hygiene and presentation, safety PPE and organisational brand, documents for commencement, workplace expectations, sustain employment, time management at work, workpace communications 1/2 day workshops over 10 days delivered by Junction support staff in small groups up to 6 at a time. Link with some workshops of TAFE jobs and Skills centre as well as Junctions toolkit (Berns got this already developed to be refined and rebranded) Thsi is part of paid placement

3.2. Complete a sereis of tasks where instructions are provided and task completed to an agreed timeframe. Complete in a supported environment, recieve feedback, reflect.

3.2.1. Refines team work, comprehension and abtitude.

3.2.2. Development of workplace questioning techniques and instructions

3.3. Link with job coach and schedule routine catch ups.

4. Workplacement Partners & Model

4.1. Collective Cafe

4.1.1. Front of house, operations

4.1.2. Back of House - Commercial cookery, catering, food costs and $ knowledge

4.1.3. ?? Possibly Hampers Unlimited - merchandising, retail, small business skillset, marketing, packaging, product development

4.2. SS&A Club

4.2.1. Commercial kitchen large scale, social dining food service, function catering, large scale food production and planning, reception guest services. Cleaning perations. Job seekers over 18 Bar operations Job seekers interested in accomodation services can link with motel of SS&A. Motel operations reception, bookings Housekeeoing skillset

4.3. Possible Partners in retail and trades - Bunninngs, Alatelo, Visi Board

4.3.1. trade skillset and pre apprenticeship program Retail skillset and warehousing

5. Support during Workplacement

5.1. Support work regular catch ups

5.1.1. Scale placements from a soft start 2 x days to 3 as client and employer partner agree

5.1.2. Keep log book and consistent contact, ensure workplace peer support and appropriate job design Employer partner and Junction support , weekly catch ups to fortnightly / scaled back as needed.

5.2. Logistics review of placement to ensure success for all.

5.2.1. Assess transport, parking, lunch breaks, smoking etc

5.3. Defined indivdual placement plan for each job seeker.

5.3.1. Some clients may engage in several placements over 6 months, others stay with one with a view to securing on going employment. Detail reasons for change in placement. Continue to support client

5.3.2. If a job seeker leaves placement, ensure thorough reflection and continued support. Complete DEWR paperwork.

6. Transition and Sustain

6.1. Client has transitioned to a on going rostered role after 6 months of paid job placement with an identified job plan

6.1.1. Work closely with employer to ensure workplace mentor and team lead support. Assess job design to match capabilities

6.2. Client has commenced a traineeship or apprenticeship and is supported by TAFE with occassional checkins from junction

6.2.1. Junction support worker to assess clietns training plan and ensure full understadning Ensure workplace releases job seeker for TAFE, distance learning, tutor. Junction to ensure a complete early LL&N assessment carried out by RTO to enable completion of theory work. Align support where necessary.

6.3. Client completes placement and provide feedback and reasoning for next steps.

6.3.1. Junction to coach client along the journey to ensure a positive experience