Language and Society

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Language and Society by Mind Map: Language and Society

1. The Role of Language in Shaping Societal Attitudes & Relationships

1.1. Communication & Understanding

1.2. Shaping Cultural Identity

1.3. Conflict & Misunderstanding

1.4. Building & Maintaining Relationships

2. Language, Social Identity, & Power Dynamics

2.1. Language as a Symbol of Status & Power

2.2. Linguistic Discrimination

2.3. Language & Social Mobility

2.4. Maintaining Linguistic Prestige

3. Language Policy & Minority Languages

3.1. Government Policies:

3.1.1. Language in Education

3.1.2. Official Languages

3.1.3. Media & Broadcasting

3.2. Impact on Minority Languages:

3.2.1. Revitalization Efforts

3.2.2. Language Shift & Endangerment

3.2.3. Linguistic Rights

4. Code-Switching in Bilingual Communities

4.1. Functions:

4.1.1. Social Identity

4.1.2. Group Inclusion/Exclusion

4.1.3. Pragmatic Purposes (clarity, emphasis)

4.1.4. Cognitive Flexibility

4.2. Factors:

4.2.1. Social Context

4.2.2. Interlocutors

4.2.3. Topic of Conversation

4.2.4. Language Proficiency

5. Impact of Social Media on Language Use

5.1. Language Evolution:

5.1.1. New Slang

5.1.2. Emojis

5.1.3. Online Slang

5.1.4. Rapid Language Change

5.2. Shifting Norms:

5.2.1. Informal Language

5.2.2. Online Identities

5.2.3. Spread of Language Trends

6. Language Attitudes Towards Regional Accents

6.1. Stigmatization:

6.1.1. Perceived as "less educated"

6.1.2. Social & Economic Disadvantages

6.2. Media Influence:

6.2.1. Portrayal in Media

6.2.2. Reinforcement of Stereotypes

6.3. Challenging Prejudice:

6.3.1. Accent Awareness & Acceptance

6.3.2. Promoting Linguistic Diversity