Quality in transfusion

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Quality in transfusion by Mind Map: Quality in transfusion

1. Quality: the total set of characteristics of an entity that affect its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs, and the consistent and reliable performance of services or products in conformity with specified requirements

1.1. Main objective of the quality system in transfusion is to ensure the transfusion of safe and effective blood and blood components.

1.1.1. Quality can be expressed as: Q = Performance or results (P) Expectation (E)

2. Quality hierarchy

3. Quality management system (QMS)

3.1. 1. Organization

3.1.1. 1. Leadership

3.1.2. 2. Organizational structure

3.1.3. 3. Planning process

3.1.4. 4. Implementation

3.2. 2. Personnel

3.3. 3. Equipment

3.4. 4. Purchasing and inventory

3.5. 5. Process control

3.6. 6. Information management

3.7. 7. Documents & records

3.8. 8. Occurance management

3.9. 9. Assessment

3.10. 10. Process improvement

3.11. 11. Customer service

3.12. 12. Facilities & safety

4. Good manufacturing practice (GMP)