German Holiday Traditions
by Andrew Graff
1. Sankt Nikolaus
1.1. The Legend of St. Nikolaus @ Germany.Info
1.2. St. Nicholas Center: Discovering the Truth About Santa Claus
2. Hanukkah Market in Berlin
2.1. Ku'damm 101
2.2. Jewish Museum in Berlin
2.3. The Hanukkah Festival
3. Chrismukkah - Museum Exhibit in Berlin
3.1. Hanukkah Game
3.2. What is your Chrismukkah type?
4. der Schnee (snow)
4.1. Truth about Germany: der Schnee
5. Videos About Specific Traditions
6. New node
7. Holiday Calendars in German - Interesting but Especially Challenging
7.1. Weihnachtskalender aus der Weihnachtsstadt
7.2. Toms Advent Calendar
7.3. Leo's 2009 Advent Calendar
7.4. Hödi's Apfentskalendar
7.5. Seelenfarben - Soul Colors
7.6. Advent Calendar mit Mari...und Caspar David Friedrich
7.7. Podventskalender
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8.1. Cornelsens 2009 DAF Calendar
8.2. Unser Sandmännchen - The Beloved German Animation
8.3. German Music Calendar -
8.3.1. Clueso's Newest: "Gewinner"
8.3.2. Ich und Ich's "Pflaster"
8.3.3. Culcha Candela's "Schöne Neue Welt"
8.4.'s 2009 Advent Calendar
8.5. Goethe Institute's 2009 Advent Calendar
8.6. Hueber 2009 Adventskalender Contest
8.7. Mathe Spass Holiday Calendar
8.8. Uli Stein's 2009 Comic Advent Calendar
9. Advent Calenders
10. Christmas Markets - A German Tradition
10.1. Berliner Christmas Markets
10.2. Dresden
10.3. Nuremberg (the most famous of all the Christmas Markets)
10.4. Seiffen, in the Erzgebirge
10.5. Vocabulary - Wortschatz
10.5.1. der Lebkuchenstand - gingerbread stand die Weihnachtspyramide - Christmas pyramid
10.5.2. die Weihnachtskrippe - nativity scene
10.5.3. der Lebkuchen - gingerbread
11. Krampus, and other incarnations of this Sankt-Nikolaus-counterpart in German-speaking cultures
11.1. Krampus Festival, Schladming 2009
11.2. Krampus in World Pop Culture
11.2.1. A Very Supernatural Christmas, Part 1
11.2.2. Here Comes Krampus!
11.2.3. G4 Krampus Commercial