Google Apps for Business Installation

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Google Apps for Business Installation by Mind Map: Google Apps for Business Installation

1. Creation of ETI Google Account

1.1. 0.5 hr

2. Mail and MX record modification at domain name registrar

2.1. Need: Login information to name registrar, 0.5 hr

2.1.1. 0.5 hr

2.2. ToDo: Modify DNS records at domain registrar to route mail traffic (mx) to Google apps. 1 hr

2.2.1. 1hr

2.3. ToDo: Set route records for "docs", "mail", "calendar" under domain name so we can have addresses like "" 1hr

2.3.1. 1hr

3. Branding

3.1. 0.5 hr

4. Training

4.1. 2 hrs