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2014 Feb ITUC por Mind Map: 2014 Feb ITUC

1. 1. eResearch notebooks in unergraduate lab courses

1.1. Example: Physics Junior Lab 307L

1.1.1. Klimov

1.1.2. Andrego

1.2. Benefits

1.2.1. Reinforces the concept of "reproducibility"

1.2.2. Promotes collaboration within the classroom

1.2.3. Places a focus on research notebook as a learned skill

1.3. Cons

1.3.1. Learning curve for instructor and student

1.3.2. No awesome and free software exisits

1.3.3. Potentially lots of work for instructor

2. 2. eResearch notebooks in a science lab

2.1. Anthony's open notebook

2.1.1. direct link

2.2. Pranav Rathi's notebook

2.3. Benefits

2.3.1. Promotes better description of research

2.3.2. Potentially: long-term preservation and sharing (linking from peer-reviewed pub)

2.3.3. Easy communication of Q&A within research group

2.4. Cons

2.4.1. No awesome and free platform exists

2.4.2. Sometimes is more work (and it's never easy to keep a good notebook)

3. 0. eResearch notebook

3.1. electronic does not force open

3.2. Not just for science!

4. 3. Potential eResearch notebook service at UNM

4.1. Requirements

4.1.1. Useful for ALL researchers From Ithaka S+R repoprt on historians' needs “I think one thing that would be really helpful [is to] have something that would be a comprehensive—maybe software—that could keep all of these disparate notes that I have. Field notes, archival photos, and organize that in some fashion, and keep it all in one place. A systematic research tool for people who are doing multiple types of research. I’ve organized it as best I can at the moment. But it’s still a lot of searching in a lot of places. And, I’m using a few methodologies. It can be really confusing; trying to organize all of this information and pull it all together.”

4.1.2. Secure -- Data are backed up and private by default

4.1.3. Accessible from anywhere

4.1.4. Ability to share limitedly, even off campus

4.1.5. Reliable and adaptable

4.2. Progress

4.2.1. This is a potential project for the UL, no prototype yet

4.2.2. Examples from Utah

4.2.3. Perhaps working in collaboration with undergraduate laboratory instructor?

5. Steve Koch University Libraries February 25, 2014