Class Prediction: The Issues that face Latin America and the connection they have to Colonialism/...

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Class Prediction: The Issues that face Latin America and the connection they have to Colonialism/Imperialism por Mind Map: Class Prediction: The Issues that face Latin America and the connection they have to Colonialism/Imperialism

1. Lack of Opp.

1.1. New node

2. Mixed Races

2.1. New node

3. Lack of Original Religion

3.1. Influence of Christianity on modern Latin American culture

4. Unfamiliar Diseases

5. Unstable Government

5.1. Dictatorships

5.2. Weak Democracies

6. Poverty

7. Violence/War Conflict

7.1. Drug Trade/Narco Terrorism

8. Racism and Discrimination

8.1. The legacy of slavery

9. Lost Cultures and Languages:\rAfter the Europeans came,\rgenerations of cultures were\rlost.

10. Rigid Social Class System

11. Limited Education Opp.