Technical Communication

Chapter 1 Dobrin mindmap

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Technical Communication por Mind Map: Technical Communication

1. email, memos, letter, job search, websites, instructions, manuals, proposals, presentations, reports...

2. It is not creative writing but a problem solving type of writing--workplace and rhetorical

2.1. Check out

2.2. varied in document genres

3. Is practical and simplifies complex info or explanations to something easy to use


3.1.1. writer must have a ton of understanding of subject

4. plan, research, draft, review---tons of editing and preparation/drafting until finished product is distributed


4.2. Collaborative writing, involves many departments in a professional environment

5. Rhetorical

6. based on facts

6.1. clear and focused meanings

6.2. unambiguous language use

6.2.1. saying more with less words,--- as in Analyze this Fig 1.1

7. Design Centered

8. visual

9. ethical

10. writer must be "neutral" and unbiased with his point of view and considerate of target audience, present info from user's viewpoint

11. interviews, consider the where and how to obtain info.

11.1. New node

12. Professional

12.1. detailed

12.1.1. it is carefully researched info

12.2. complex

12.2.1. based on facts, high use of visuals, highly organized, follows a process or guide PSA

13. Audience centered

13.1. audience has a need for info, writer must address that need specifically