The Component of system unit

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The Component of system unit by Mind Map: The Component of system unit

1. processor (CPU)

1.1. ALU

1.1.1. comparision

1.2. control unit

1.2.1. directs and coordination

1.3. machine cycle

1.3.1. 1.FETCH

1.3.2. 2.DECODE

1.3.3. 3.EXCECUTE

1.3.4. 4.STROE

1.4. Leading of chip

1.4.1. AMD

1.4.2. INTEL

1.5. Saving

1.5.1. Heat sinks

1.5.2. Liquid cooling technology

2. Memory

2.1. volatile

2.1.1. loses its contents when turned off RAM

2.2. Non-volatile

2.2.1. Do not loses its contents when turned off ROM permanent can erased can written and erased

3. port and connectors

3.1. usb port

3.2. bluetooth wrieless port

3.3. ect.

4. Bay

4.1. opening

4.2. can additional equipment

5. System unit

5.1. mother board

5.1.1. computer chip

6. Data Representation

6.1. Analog

6.1.1. signals are continuous

6.2. Digital

6.2.1. signals are two states on off

6.3. Binary system

6.3.1. 8 bits for 1 bytes

6.4. ASCLL code for symbol

7. slots

7.1. with plug and play cards

7.1.1. auto install

7.2. Removeable flash

7.2.1. Mem card

7.2.2. pc card

7.2.3. usb flash drives

8. Buses

8.1. allows the various attached to system unit

8.2. word size

9. Power supply

9.1. converts ac to dc