Comm 196: Senior Capstone

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Comm 196: Senior Capstone by Mind Map: Comm 196: Senior Capstone

1. Theory

1.1. Ency. of Communication Theory

1.2. Handbook of Interpersonal Comm.

2. Scholarship

2.1. Academic OneFile

2.2. Communication Abstracts

3. Law & institutions

3.1. Lexis-Nexis: Legal

4. News/current events

4.1. Lexis-Nexis: General

5. Definitions

5.1. Wikipedia

6. Background/grounding

6.1. Reference Universe

6.2. CQ Researcher

7. romantic self disclosure via CMS

8. romantic self disclosure via text messaging

9. oral history of people of color at SMC

10. Books & videos

10.1. Albert