Fitness Business Systems (Operations)

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Fitness Business Systems (Operations) by Mind Map: Fitness Business Systems (Operations)

1. Phone Calls

1.1. Membership Enquiry Script

1.2. Complaint Procedure

2. Staff

2.1. New Staff Appointment

2.1.1. Hiring Advert Selection Process

2.2. Resignation Procedure

2.3. Sickness Procedure

2.3.1. Backup Staff

3. New Client Signup

3.1. Retention Procedures

3.1.1. Birthdays

3.1.2. Follow Up Gifts

3.2. WOW Packs

3.2.1. Welcome Emails

3.2.2. Referral Cards For Friends

3.3. Payment Processing

3.4. Phone Call Followup

3.5. Added To Facebook Group

3.6. Membership Card

3.7. Setup With Accountability Partner

4. Client Leaving

4.1. Retention Processes

4.1.1. Offer Upgrade Trial

4.1.2. 1-1 Session

5. Client Results

5.1. Reaching Landmark Goals

5.2. Client Unhappy

5.3. Public Relations

5.3.1. Press Release Sent Followup

6. Seminars

6.1. Follow Up After Event

6.2. Filling Event

6.2.1. Social Media Promotion

6.2.2. Funnel Creation

6.2.3. Videos

7. Cleaning / Maintenance

7.1. Complaints

7.2. Frequency

8. Transformation Sessions

8.1. Phone Call

8.1.1. Email Followup

8.2. No Show Followup

9. Payments

9.1. Payment Failure / Missed

9.2. Payment Late

10. Sales Process

10.1. In Person Transformation Serssions

10.2. Phone Transformation Sessions

10.3. Webinar

10.4. Sales Page