Prehistoric Art
by Benito Kestelman
1. Important Works
1.1. Venus/Woman of Willendorf
1.1.1. Fat woman with breasts, stomach, and thighs largely emphasized
1.1.2. Austria
1.1.3. 25,000 BC
1.1.4. Face is mostly covered
1.2. Lascaux Cave Art
1.2.1. Animal running
1.2.2. France
1.2.3. Between 15,000 BC and 10,000 BC
1.3. Bison from La Madeleine
1.3.1. France
1.3.2. Between 15,000 BC and 10,000 BC
1.4. Hand Dots
1.4.1. Many large dots
1.4.2. Fingers are just barely visible on some of them.
1.4.3. 15,000 BC
1.5. Spotted Horses and Human Hands
1.5.1. France
1.5.2. 16,000 BC
1.6. Stonehenge
1.6.1. Large rocks in a circle with some in the middle
1.6.2. England
1.6.3. 2100 BC