Theoretical Origins of Concept Maps & How to Construct Them

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Theoretical Origins of Concept Maps & How to Construct Them by Mind Map: Theoretical Origins of Concept Maps & How to Construct Them

1. Origins & theoretical foundations

1.1. Origins of concept maps

1.2. Psychological foundations of concept maps

1.3. Epistemological foundations of concept maps

2. How maps are constructed

2.1. Begin with familiar domain of knowledge

2.1.1. Define area of knowledge to be mapped Identify key concepts that apply Construct preliminary map Use paper, Post Its or software Rank order from general to specific

2.1.2. Focus question

3. Integration of maps with software (CmapTools)

3.1. Software provides multiple tools for collaboration & evaluation

3.1.1. Pretest as an initial step towards learning

3.1.2. Basis on which to perform research leading to understanding

3.1.3. Organize various sources

3.1.4. Artifact to collaborate with peers

3.1.5. Present findings at end of unit

3.1.6. Portfolio evaluation

4. Examples from 3 domains