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Expert Systems por Mind Map: Expert Systems

1. The problems that the machine is having (engineering)

2. Processing

2.1. System reads the input

2.2. Compares input with existing database

2.3. Database finds symptons and looks for possible treatments and answers

2.4. Looks through past events and find similar cases

3. Output

3.1. Answers to request are found

3.2. The disease the user carries is displayed on the screen

3.3. Possible treatments and suggestions are displayed as well

3.4. if the area has a possibility of having oil (oil searching)

3.5. The best move to react to the players move (chess game)

3.6. What the problem was and the way to fix it (engineering)

4. Input

4.1. Contains inference engine

4.2. User types in symptons (medical diagnosis)

4.3. type in the environmaent of the surrounding area (oil searching)

4.4. movement of the player (chess game)

5. What is it

5.1. System used to replace human activity

5.2. Only human activity needed is to input

5.3. Consists of a screen, inference engine and a database

5.4. The computer does the work of looking through every data on the system very fast and finds the best answer

5.5. Knowledge-based system

6. Examples

6.1. Medical diagnosis

6.2. Oil searching

6.3. Surgery aid

6.4. Chess game

6.5. Engineering

6.6. libraries

7. Advantages

7.1. The computer does not forget things and it can remember far more than human

7.2. The computer doesnt make mistakes