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Radical Behaviorism by Mind Map: Radical Behaviorism

1. learning goals

1.1. identify & describe theory and basic principles of Bx

1.2. analyze factors, generate strategies

1.3. use Bx principles

1.4. evaluate real-world applications

1.5. apply and critique Bx w/ social problems

1.6. communicate Bx principles clearly & creatively

2. Assessment

2.1. midterm & final

2.1.1. WebQs

2.1.2. in-class Qs w/ notecards

2.2. weekly reflective writing

2.2.1. show examples of successful writing

2.3. behavior change project

2.3.1. demo project first 4 weeks

2.4. teachback presentation

2.4.1. demo teachback 2x

3. basics

3.1. 3 credit course

3.2. 10-25 students

3.3. Psych dept, no prereq's

4. feedback & evaluation

4.1. intro questionnaire

4.2. "minute papers"

4.3. 2 Qs on readings

4.4. teaching observation by mentor

4.5. Midterm Class Interview