eLearning Tools

iTools for NU teaching portal

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eLearning Tools by Mind Map: eLearning Tools

1. Media Work

1.1. New Pathways to Publishing

1.2. Markets / Income

1.3. Reducing Production Costs

1.4. Lower barriers to entry

1.5. Knowledge Databank

1.6. Remote / Distributed Teams

1.7. Copyright

1.7.1. Copyleft

1.7.2. Creative Commons

1.8. Telepresence & Telework

1.9. Obsolesence

1.9.1. Digitalise everything

1.9.2. Reusable materials

1.9.3. Modular concept

2. Teaching tools

2.1. Publish vs Practice

2.1.1. Learning by doing

2.1.2. Less theory more practice

2.1.3. Income streams & syndication

2.2. Bidirectional Publishing

2.2.1. Contents development & publishing

2.2.2. audience feedback management

2.3. Format changes structure

2.3.1. Shorter Formats 2-3 mins

2.3.2. No Padding for Ad Breaks

2.4. Webtop vs Desktop Apps

2.5. 3D Virtual Worlds

2.5.1. e-Learning Academy - 2nd Life

2.5.2. Live Lectures with world experts

2.5.3. Avatars & Teleprescence (interviews, conferences)

2.5.4. Machinima

3. Web 2.0

3.1. Integral Internet (applied to real life)

3.2. The Semantic Web

3.2.1. Tagging Folksonomy Taxonomy

3.3. Wikis

3.4. Blogs

3.5. RSS

3.5.1. Readers

3.5.2. Aggregators

3.6. Podcasting / Streaming

3.6.1. iRadio

3.7. E-Learning from the best

3.8. Vlogging (video blog)

3.8.1. iTV

3.9. Social News Networks

3.9.1. Citizen Media

3.9.2. eLearnig Magazines

4. Open Source & Web Apps

4.1. Free, Open, Customisable, Shareable

4.2. Google Education Dashboard

4.3. Moodle (virtual classroom)

4.4. Open Office / Web 2.0 office tools

4.5. Drupal for Community Platform

4.6. Joomla Teaching portals

4.7. Web OS

4.8. Edubuntu OS?

5. ICT Innovations

6. New node