Society & Sex Roles (Ernestine Friedl, 1978)

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Society & Sex Roles (Ernestine Friedl, 1978) by Mind Map: Society & Sex Roles (Ernestine Friedl, 1978)

1. Thesis: Whomever brings back the bigger portion of food/resources will have more power in any society.

1.1. Woman the Gatherer

1.1.1. Why if they forage more do they not have more power in Dobe/ju hoansi

1.1.2. Yanomami women get beat despite playing a key role

1.2. Woman as mother

1.2.1. bringing in the next generation, seems to have little effect on males in culture

1.3. Foraging societies -- interconnectedness between male and female,

2. man the hunter

2.1. long hunting trips, physical strength

2.1.1. women couldn't take these trips, need to stay closer to the home

2.2. men as traders of those top resources

2.2.1. men hunting together and distribution public private dichotomy (Men public/women private)

3. modern situation

3.1. equality because there is more equal split in gathering of resources

3.1.1. trading centers in cities

3.2. are gender roles natural? still there today?

3.2.1. has it evolved? male - physical abilities/control - is alpha male natural or female -

3.2.2. unnatural societies - gender equality

3.3. WWI - womens control of resources while men are at war

3.3.1. Gender in WWI - Rosie the Riveter and the take back form the men

3.4. technology creates opportunity for gender equality ---

4. Washo

4.1. girls coming of age celebration

4.1.1. boys killing deer physical capabilities and expectations

5. does efficiency come from well-defined gender roles

5.1. in foraging societies yes

5.1.1. Western world - childcare and kindergardens allow for the breakdown of strict gender roles we now have the specialization of labor to free women up to work washing machine and technology -- free women up as well

6. treatment of women

6.1. women are objectified in certain societies

6.1.1. Inuit 100% of food gathered by males forced sex with any woman any male wants is acceptable human nature - morals across societies different societies have different morals; encounters "unimportant' to the rest of the group different emotional value, to practitionaers/agents of that society

6.2. Violence and Yanomamo

6.2.1. machete and axes

6.2.2. The Fierce People

6.2.3. The more warlike the society, the more violent they are internally ...

7. Bees

7.1. Natural civilization

7.1.1. queen bee is top men go out and gather

8. sexism is outdated with human created world.