PC Operating Systems

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PC Operating Systems von Mind Map: PC Operating Systems

1. Operating Systems Definition

1.1. An Operating System is a computer program that manages the resources of a computer http://cplus.about.com/od/introductiontoprogramming/g/opsystemdef.htm

2. Windows 7

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. Most popular operating systemEasy to use – I think, this is because most computer users started their computing with Windows and are familiar with it. However, for a hard core Linux user, Windows may be difficult to use, cluttered, unorganized Operating System. http://blog.hafees.com/windows/windows-linux-and-mac-a-comparison/

2.2. Cons

2.2.1. Because of the high usage, most spywares and viruses are targeted to this platform. Not free, restricted, no freedom.http://blog.hafees.com/windows/windows-linux-and-mac-a-comparison/

3. Mac OS X

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Excellent user interface and usability. Easy installation of applications. Targeted less by viruses & spywares. http://blog.hafees.com/windows/windows-linux-and-mac-a-comparison/

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Though, based on open source operating systems, it is still proprietary. Cost of ownership is high – User is not free to try it out by paying for the operating system alone, instead the user is forced to buy new hardware at premium prices. http://blog.hafees.com/windows/windows-linux-and-mac-a-comparison/

4. Ubuntu

4.1. A community-developed Linux-based operating system that can be used on desktops, laptops and servers. The operating system includes a variety of applications including those for word processing, e-mail applications, Web server software and also programming tools. Ubuntu is free of charge, including enterprise releases and security updates. It also comes with full commercial support from Canonical. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/U/Ubuntu.html

5. Chromium

5.1. Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code. http://www.chromium.org/