Autism Intervention Planning

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Autism Intervention Planning by Mind Map: Autism Intervention Planning

1. To Address Specific Behavioral Concerns

1.1. Underlying Characteristics Checklist: Informal Assessment tool used to identify characteristics across a number of domains associated with HFA/AS. Used to develop intervention incorporating each of the 5 levels of the Intervention Ziggurat.

1.1.1. Complete the ABC-I using information gathered through observation and the UCC Follow steps for Intervention Ziggurat

1.1.2. ABC-I is a tool for assessing the patterns of behavior with an understanding of the characteristics of HFA/AS.

2. To Design a General Intervention

2.1. Underlying Characteristics Checklist: Informal Assessment tool used to identify characteristics across a number of domains associated with HFA/AS. Used to develop intervention incorporating each of the 5 levels of the Intervention Ziggurat.

2.1.1. Intervention Ziggurat: 1) Sensory Differences and Biological Needs 2) Reinforcement 3) Structure and Visual Supports 4) Task Demands 5) Skills to Teach Underlying Characteristics are matched with interventions, and marked as antecedent (preventative), Behavior (replacement), and consequence (what occurs after the behavior) Follow Up: On the UCC this Column is completed after interventions have been implemented. Informal eval. of intervention outcomes to be used for intervention adjustment. Discuss appropriate interval of time for implementation of the intervention prior to evaluating its effectiveness. Qualitative: conduct informal observations of behavior in settings similar to the original observations. Quantitative: conduct more formal observations by taking frequency, duration, etc. data on the operationally defined behaviors. Outcomes: 1. No improvement: revise IZ 2. Behavior Diff. increase: revise IZ 3. Behavioral Improvement: revise goals Use the CAPS Worksheet to assist team members with implementation of the Intervention Ziggurat.

2.2. The process of completing the UCC becomes an intervention in itself: increased awareness of the impact of autism occurs for the Team.

2.3. Individual Strengths and Skills Inventory is filled out in tandem with the UCC. These strengths and skills will play an important role in designing the Intervention.