How bussiness use web2.0 technologies

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How bussiness use web2.0 technologies af Mind Map: How bussiness use web2.0 technologies

1. used for marketing purposes

1.1. customers buy products and services online

1.2. Interact with customers online

2. Definition: is a set of web-bases software services that encourage users to become involved in creating and manipulation of data.

3. Productivity: web2.0 empowers employees to share information that generate sales

3.1. aid in recruitment

4. web 2.0 is used to increase the awareness to their corparate indentity

5. interact with suppliers

5.1. orders are made online using web2.0

6. to stregthen the business`s brand and image

7. COST: Web2.0 technologies is affortable to use

7.1. bussinesses get to save their profits