Web 2.0 in Business

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Web 2.0 in Business by Mind Map: Web 2.0 in Business

1. Business can use social networks like facebook to share information, exclusive pictures about their firms and operations and use them as advertising tools.

2. Firms can use shopping sites like amazon to market and sell they products therefore increasing their customer scope and target market.

3. Customers can contribute to business with innovative business ideas, like Dell's Idea Storm

4. Media Sites like YouTube can be used to show the public, the firms new products, the brand, how to use the products etc. therefore increasing customer relations

5. Blogs, can be used to improve customer relations by frequently communicating with the customers, letting them vote on polls and allowing them input in new product choices

6. Mash-Ups-Firms can play around with software and create a new product, eg. Google MAps

7. Online Collaboration- This is when 2 or more people join up to share ideas and work together and this increases worker production and efficiency in a business.

8. Web 2.0 is a web applications that facilitates interactive information sharing, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web.Examples of Web 2.0 include web-based communities, hosted services, web applications, social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs and mashups.

9. Definition

10. Benefits of Web 2.0

10.1. Interactive Information Sharing

10.1.1. This refers to one-to-one exchanges of data between a sender and receiver, and this helps out alot in business as information is key to competitive advantage.

10.2. Web Applications-web application is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network such as the Internet, these applications usually supply the user with information and makes the workers productivity more qualitative and satisfactory

11. Social Networking Sites can be used to recruit learners and graduates to join your firm and to keep in touch with the recruits.