
i did it by myself and finished at midnight

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Digestion by Mind Map: Digestion

1. 2.-Organs

1.1. 3.-Liver

1.1.1. 76.-Produces substances to break fats

1.2. 4.-Pancreas

1.2.1. 78.-Regulates amount of sugar

1.3. 5.-Stomach

1.3.1. 79.-There is where food is disolved

1.4. 6.-Esophagus

1.4.1. 80.-Food goes down through it

1.5. 7.-Small intestine

1.5.1. 81.-Nutrients are taken there

1.6. 8.-Large Intestine

1.6.1. 82.-Wastes are send here.

2. 1.-Digestive System

3. 10.-Process of

3.1. 11.-Gets the nutrients

3.2. 12.-Disposal of wastes

3.3. 13.-Breaking down food.

4. 53.-Affect body

4.1. 54.-Dieseases

4.2. 55.-Diet

4.3. 56.-Growth

4.4. 57.-Development

5. 61.-Diaseases

5.1. 62.-Diarea

5.2. 63.-Indigestion

5.3. 64.-Puking

6. 67.-Urinary system

6.1. 70.-Throws Liquid wastes

6.2. 86.-Kidneys

6.2.1. 87.-Urine is accumuladed there.

7. 90.-Important

7.1. 91.-Breaks food

7.2. 92.-Digests it

7.3. 93.-Gets Nutrients

7.4. 94.-Helps other systems

8. 9.-Excretory System

8.1. 68.-Throws wastes (solid one)

9. 14.-Important parts

9.1. 15.-Mouth

9.1.1. 16.-Uses Saliva

10. 17.-Differs on type

10.1. 18.-Mammals

10.1.1. 23.-Carnivores

10.1.2. 24.-Herbivores

10.1.3. 25.-Big or small

10.2. 19.-Birds

10.2.1. 26.-Carnivores

10.2.2. 27.-Hervivores

10.2.3. 28.-Big or small

10.3. 20.-Reptiles

10.3.1. 29.-Carnivores

10.3.2. 30.-Herbivores

10.3.3. 31.-Big or small

10.4. 21.-Fishes

10.4.1. 32.-Carnivores

10.4.2. 33.-Herbivores

10.4.3. 34.-Big or small

10.5. 22.-Etc.

11. 71.-Cardivascular System

11.1. 72.-Pumps the nutrients via blood to body

12. 73.-Respiratory System

12.1. 74.-Gives co2 that the heart uses to pump blood.