Comprehension Skills
by Teo YY
1. Making connections is like building bridges--- it links what u are doing to your own life, to other books or to the world.
2. Making Connections
3. Summarizing
4. Summarizing means figuring out what is really important in the text and explaining it in your own words. A summary should be short-you don't tell all the details. A good summary will help you remember what you read.
5. Synthesizing means learning from what you read and adding new ideas to what you already know. Sometimes your thinking change. Just add on! The more you think, the more new ideas you will have!
6. Prior Knowledge
7. Using Prior Knowledge means using what you already know to help you understand something new. It's like putting on your thinking cap and pulling out your thoughts that can help you understand what you are reading.
8. Meaning
8.1. It helps you to find information and focus your attention on what is important to your text.
9. Question
10. Visualizing
11. Visualizing is like creating a movie in your mind while you read. When you try to see, hear, feel and even smell what is going on. Your mind movie help you understand and remember what you read- and it's fun!(:
12. Evaluating
13. Evaluating means making a judgment about what you read, and explaning why. Did you find the information you need? Did the author use interesting words? Were there great pictures ? Those are called criteria. Criteria is needed in order for you to evalulate.
14. Synthesizing
15. Inferring
15.1. To use what you ALREADY READ from the passage to figure the question. EG. how the other feels, what kind of environment the writer lives in e.t.c