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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. Tasks

1.1. Nurin

1.1.1. Light Energy What? How? Why?

1.1.2. Kinetic Energy What? How? Why?

1.1.3. Potential energy What? How? Why?

1.1.4. Energy conversions

1.1.5. Positive

1.2. Lyka

1.2.1. Sound Energy What? How? Why?

1.2.2. How?

1.2.3. Where?

1.2.4. Chemical potential energy

1.3. Bryan

1.3.1. Heat Energy How? What? Why?

1.3.2. Why?

1.3.3. What?

2. Why?

2.1. need energy to walk, jog, ect

2.2. for photosynthesis

2.3. We need energy to survive.

3. How?

3.1. Energy is simply used for everything in our life.

3.2. For example, to work all the appliance we need electrical energy.

3.3. Energy is also imortant to us because if we do not have energy we could NEVER survive.

4. Heat Energy

4.1. main source- sun

4.2. dry clothes

4.3. stay warm

4.4. enables us to cook

5. Kinetic Energy

5.1. It is the energy of motion.

5.2. Kinetic energy is the fact that a moving object can do work on anything it hits.

5.3. Examples also include cars. Cars have kinetic energy when they move.

6. Positive

6.1. enough energy to play

6.2. Strength to do work

6.3. strength to do work

7. Electrical Energy

7.1. It is a form of energy that effects almost every part of our lives.

7.2. Available when electricity flows in an electric circuit.

7.3. Some examples are: Lights, televisions, computers/laptops and air conditioners.

8. Soulful Snow Leopards

8.1. Nurin

8.2. Lyka

8.3. Bryan

9. What?

9.1. Ability to do work

9.2. Power our homes

9.3. Does NOT have mass and does NOT occupy space.

10. Light Energy

10.1. Enables us to see.

10.2. main source sun

10.3. plants to photosynthesis

10.4. without light energy, we cant do some things.

11. Where?

11.1. Ocean Waves

11.2. Batteries

11.3. Sunlight that falls onto the Earth

11.4. Boiling water

11.5. In the food we eat

12. Sound Energy

12.1. Sounds that you hear.

12.2. Sound energy is produced by sound vibrations.

12.3. cant be seen

12.4. not a matter

13. Potentional Energy

13.1. This stored energy of position is referred to as potential energy.

13.1.1. An object can store energy as the result of its position.

13.2. Gravitational Potential Energy

13.2.1. Relation between gravitational potential energy and the mass of an object-More massive objects have greater gravitational potential energy.

13.2.2. Is stored the result of the gravitational attraction of the Earth for the object.

13.2.3. Stored in an object

13.2.4. Associated with gravitational force

13.3. Elastic Potential Energy

13.3.1. Can be stored in rubber bands, bungee chords, trampolines, springs, etc.

13.3.2. related to the amount of stretch of the device - the more stretch, the more stored energy.

13.4. Chemical Potential Energy

13.4.1. Fuels

13.4.2. We use chemical energy

13.5. Electrical Potential Energy

13.5.1. An object can have potential energy by virtue