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waves by Mind Map: waves

1. prisom

1.1. Products

1.2. a clear piece of glass that can be used to separate white light

1.3. a sheet of clear material that helps you separate white light

1.4. spectroscope

2. light

2.1. a form of energy that can be seen!

2.2. the sun is a form of light

2.3. fire,white light, and black lights

2.4. So What?

3. spectrum

3.1. Demographic

3.2. a band of colors that make up white light

3.3. colors that make up white light

3.4. Gathering Points

3.5. house lights or spotlights

4. photons

4.1. Level of engagement

4.2. small bundles of energy that make up light

4.3. energy that makes up light

4.4. flash light/white light

4.5. Expertise

5. sound waves

5.1. a wave produced by vibrations

5.2. the waves that come of voices and other sounds.

5.3. tuning fork

6. vibrates

6.1. to move rabidly back and forth

6.1.1. somthing that moves in a back and forth motion a phone