Web Presence: Actor Goals

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Web Presence: Actor Goals by Mind Map: Web Presence: Actor Goals

1. Visitors

1.1. Learn about SD to make a learning decision

1.1.1. Conduct research/learn about SelfDesign in general Central Public Web Site

1.1.2. Conduct research/learn about specific SD programs Central Public Web Site

1.1.3. View public conferences and dynamic community content Central Public Web Site

1.1.4. Initiate contact or request follow up Central Public Web Site

1.2. Connect with like-minded individuals

1.2.1. Register as a guest in order to participate Central Public Web Site

1.2.2. Conferencing Features

1.3. Shop SD

2. Community Guests

2.1. Connect with like-minded individuals

2.1.1. Conferencing Features

2.2. Learn about SD to make a learning decision

2.2.1. Conduct research/learn about SelfDesign in general Central Public Web Site

2.2.2. Conduct research/learn about specific SD programs Central Public Web Site

2.2.3. View public conferences and dynamic community content Central Public Web Site

2.2.4. Initiate contact or request follow up Central Public Web Site

2.2.5. Manage subscriptions Central Public Web Site

3. SD Operations

3.1. Support learners and families in their yearly learning journey

3.1.1. All Main Village Features

3.2. Improve performance, productivity and deepen fulfillment

3.2.1. Personal Productivity

3.2.2. Workgroup Collaboration Features

3.2.3. Dashboard Features

3.3. Communicate, build relationships, connect to community

3.3.1. Conferencing Features

3.4. Support the organization's day-to-day processes and operations

3.4.1. Workgroup Collaboration Features

3.5. Support the organization's day-to-day site maintenance and management needs

3.5.1. Web Admin

3.6. Access all aspects of SD in a seamless experience

3.6.1. Single platform or single sign-on to all platforms

3.6.2. Dashboard Features

4. LCs

4.1. Fulfill 100% of learning hours/reports for each accepted learner/per year

4.1.1. Early warning or notification system follow up on late or missing reports

4.1.2. Access a more robust collaborative interface for co-creating/managing learning reporting Workgroup Collaboration Features

4.2. Support learners and families in their yearly learning journey

4.3. Improve performance, productivity and deepen fulfillment

4.3.1. Personal Productivity Features

4.3.2. Access on-the-job training, resources, knowledge, and support Workgroup Collaboration Features

4.3.3. Access structured learning products, personal development service, training and support Online Learning Products/Courses Conferencing Features

4.3.4. Deliver the right kind of learning support to each learner at the right time Workgroup Collaboration Features Conferencing Features Discovery and Recommendation Features

4.4. Share, reflect, gain support from peers and mentors

4.4.1. Participate in permissioned village conferences Conferencing Features

4.4.2. Participate in workgroups/project sites Workgroup Collaboration Features

4.5. Communicate, build relationships, connect to community

4.5.1. Dashboard Features

4.5.2. Conferencing Features

4.6. Access all aspects of SD in a seamless experience

4.6.1. Single platform or single sign-on to all platforms

4.6.2. Dashboard Features

5. Families (Parent/Learners)

5.1. Enrich learning experience for the whole family

5.1.1. Personalization and Discovery Features

5.1.2. Conferencing Features

5.2. Fulfill 100% of learning hours/reports for each learner/per year

5.2.1. Reminders or notifications of late or missing reports in advance of deadline Dashboard Features

5.2.2. Access a more robust collaborative interface for co-creating/managing learning reporting Workgroup Collaboration Features (custom configuration) Publishing Features

5.3. Communicate, build relationships, connect to community

5.3.1. Dashboard Features

5.3.2. Conferencing Features

5.4. Access all aspects of SD in a seamless experience

5.4.1. Single platform or single sign-on to all platforms

5.4.2. Dashboard Features

6. ETeam/Work Groups

6.1. Support learners and families in their yearly learning journey

6.1.1. All main village features

6.2. Improve communications, and connection with people

6.2.1. Publishing Features

6.2.2. Conferencing Features

6.3. Improve performance, productivity and deepen fulfillment

6.3.1. Personal Productivity

6.3.2. Dashboard Features

6.4. Steward the strategic growth of the organization

6.4.1. Workgroup collaboration

6.5. Provide support and mentorship for the people of the organization

6.5.1. Conferencing Features

6.5.2. Workgroup collaboration

6.6. Access all aspects of SD in a seamless experience

6.6.1. Single platform or single sign-on to all platforms

6.6.2. Dashboard Features

7. Program Operations (centres, circles)

7.1. Access the benefits and resources of being part of a global brand

7.1.1. Workgroup collaboration

7.1.2. Publishing Features

7.1.3. Conferencing Features

7.2. Communicate, build relationships, connect to community

7.2.1. Dashboard Features

7.2.2. Conferencing Features

7.3. Access all aspects of SD in a seamless experience

7.3.1. Single platform or single sign-on to all platforms

7.3.2. Dashboard Features

7.4. Support learners and families in their yearly learning journey

7.4.1. All Main Village Features

8. IT/Help Desk

8.1. Support the organization's systems

8.1.1. Web Admin Features

8.2. Provide reliable, timely service

8.2.1. Have well-tested systems that reduce recurring, avoidable errors (bugs)

8.2.2. Be able to prioritize and assign help desk tickets to the appropriate channel

8.2.3. Allow members to self serve when and where possible Knowledge Base

8.3. Implement automated systems to support the orgs. objectives wherever feasible

8.4. Improve performance, productivity and deepen fulfillment

8.4.1. Personal Productivity

8.4.2. Dashboard Features