Important Developments in Educational Technology for European Schools "Horizon Report Europe for ...

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Important Developments in Educational Technology for European Schools "Horizon Report Europe for School 2014" por Mind Map: Important Developments in Educational Technology for European Schools "Horizon Report Europe for School 2014"

1. Consumer Technologies

1.1. > 3D Video

1.2. > Quantified Self

1.3. > Mobile Apps

1.4. > Tablet Computing

1.5. > Electronic Publishing

1.6. > Telepresence

1.7. > Wearable Technology

2. Digital Strategies

2.1. > Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

2.2. > Flipped Classroom

2.3. > Games and Gamification

2.4. > Location Intelligence

2.5. > Makerspaces

2.6. > Preservation/Conservation Technologies

3. Internet Technologies

3.1. > Syndication Tools

3.2. > Cloud Computing

3.3. > Single Sign-On

3.4. > The Internet of Things

3.5. > Semantic Applications

3.6. > Real-Time Translation

4. Learning technologies

4.1. > Virtual and Remote Laboratories

4.2. > Open Licencing

4.3. > Open Content

4.4. > Online Learning

4.5. > Mobile Learning

4.6. > Massive Open Online Courses

4.7. > Badges/Microcredit

5. Social Media Technologies

5.1. > Crowdfunding

5.2. > Collective Intelligence

5.3. > Crowdsourcing

5.4. > Digital Identity

5.5. > Social Networks

5.6. > Tacit Intelligence

5.7. > Collaborative Environments

6. Visualisation Technologies

6.1. > 3D Printing/Rapid Proto- typing

6.2. > Volumetric and Holographic Displays

6.3. > Information Visualisation

6.4. > Visual Data Analysis

6.5. > Augmented Reality

7. Enabling Technologies

7.1. > Flexible Displays

7.2. > Statistical Machine Translation

7.3. > Wireless Power

7.4. > Affective Computing

7.5. > Electrovibration

7.6. > Cellular Networks

7.7. > Virtual Assistants

7.8. > Open Hardware

7.9. > Natural User Interfaces

7.10. > Next-Generation Batteries

7.11. > Speech-to-Speech Translation

7.12. > Near Field Communication

7.13. > Mobile Broadband

7.14. > Geolocation

7.15. > Machine Learning

7.16. > Location-Based Services