Curriculum defined

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Curriculum defined by Mind Map: Curriculum defined

1. curriculum as content

1.1. written description of content educators deem important and teach students e.g. concepts, skills, attitudes, facts

1.1.1. Doll (de Villiers 2009:5) formal and informal content taught to student

2. curriculumas process

2.1. is planned learning experience that is, what learner encounters in out out of the school, but is planned when the plan is implemented (Print in de Villiers 2009: 6).

3. Keating (2006) in de Villiers ( 2009 : 9) states it as a formal plan of study with philosophical underpinnings, goals, and guidelines to deliver an educational programme.

4. Source: de Villiers 2009: 5-11

5. curriculum as product

5.1. a pre planned educational guideline consisting of started purpose and objectives ie what learner must be able to do or master

5.1.1. Johnson (1967) in de Villiers (2009: 6) states it is a structured series of intended learning outcomes

6. curriculum as praxis

6.1. interactions in the educational setting; what actually happens in the educational setting; principles of interactive learning between student and learning material, and collaborative learning between student and educator

7. curriculum as eclectic approach

7.1. Interaction of what is planned and what the student actually learns

7.1.1. has 2 dimensions conceptual dimension: the plan to render education eg broad outcomes, content assessment strategies cultural dimension: learning experiences after plan implementation eg use of study guides, teaching-learning methods