Five Elements of Overall Well-Being

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Five Elements of Overall Well-Being af Mind Map: Five Elements of Overall Well-Being

1. Liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals.

1.1. # of items on task list A

1.2. Achievement of task list A

1.3. Motivation Level M

1.4. Happiness Level M

1.5. Big Events A

1.6. Helping others M

1.7. Spiritual duty M

2. Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily.

2.1. Energy Level M

2.2. Sick vs Not Sick M

2.3. Physical Activity Level A

2.4. Nutrition/supplement intake M

2.5. Sleep A

2.6. Indoor vs outdoor

2.7. Sunlight A

2.8. Heart Rate A

3. Liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community.

3.1. Feeling of Safety SA

3.2. Hometown pride

3.3. Weather A

3.4. Traffic A

3.5. Alma mater

3.6. Favorite teams A

3.7. Community involvement M

3.8. Organizations

4. Having supportive relationships and love in your life.

4.1. Relationship Status: Family SA

4.2. Relationship Status: Friends SA

4.3. Frequency of interactions SA

4.4. Type/Depth of interaction M

4.5. Sexual activity M

4.6. Pets M

5. Managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security.

5.1. Bank Account Balance A

5.2. Debt Level

5.3. Deposits

5.4. Withdrawals

5.5. Investments

5.6. Bills (Trends/On Time vs Late)

5.7. Big Events

5.8. Job Stability/Employment M