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Emailer by Mind Map: Emailer

1. 1. Opened the mailer but not visited the site

1.1. Setting up Facebook Ads with "Don't Miss Your Chance to Download the Ebook"

1.2. Ads in FB/ADW for Download Free Audio Download from Tony Robbins

1.3. Remarketing Tag in mailer

1.4. Click Tracking

1.5. Analytics Event Tracking / Remarketing

2. 2. Opened the mailer, went to the site but not signed up

2.1. Ads in FB/ADW for Download Free Audio Download from Tony Robbins

2.1.1. send them to

2.2. Setting up Facebook Ads with "Your Download is Waiting"

2.3. Include Lead Page

2.4. Exclude Thank You Page

3. 3. Opened the mailer went to the site and filled the form but didnt do confirmed Opt in

3.1. Direct selling FB/ADW ads of UPW event with credibility of Tony Robbins with Facts

3.2. "Your Download is Ready" ads of Awake the Giant Within Ebook

3.3. Emailer about Exclusive session with Experts - UPW Preview

3.4. Include Thank You Page

3.5. Exclude Final Confirmation Page

3.6. Capture data of single opt-ins

3.7. Exclude Welcome Mail

4. 5. Opened the mailer, went to the site, Opted in and downloaded the ebook

4.1. Direct Selling Emailer about the Event - Thanks you mailer with ebook download communication

4.2. 5% Discount emailer/ ads in FB and Adwords - Only 48hrs Offer

4.3. Are you ready for Tony Robbins? - Video in the mailer

4.4. Emailer - Download Audio Book from Tony Robbins

4.5. Direct selling FB/ADW ads about the event with quotes from the book.

4.6. Include Download Page

5. 4. Opened the mailer went to the site and filled the form, confirmed Opt in but didnt download

5.1. Emailer about "Your Download is Ready"

5.2. Emailer about UPW Direct Selling - Long Copy

5.3. Emailer with Piers Morgan Video and CTA as the main event (Credibility Building)

5.4. Include Final Confirmation Page

5.5. Exclude Download Page